Updates and Information on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
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The Student Health Center (SHC) is providing telemedicine with select SHC providers via HIPAA-compliant ZoomPro. Students must contact the Telephone Triage Nurse at (865) 974-5080 to determine if and when they may schedule for a Telemedicine appointment.

Speak with our Triage Nurse to schedule
865-974-5080, option 7

Mo,Tu,Th,Fr: 8am-4pm
Wed: 9am-4pm


Students with the Student Health Insurance Plan, United Healthcare Student Resources health insurance, may also utilize their telehealth option for accessing care with no fees for those services. Starting on the effective date of the policy, 24/7 access to medical advice through HealthiestYou, a national telehealth service, is available. Access to board-certified physicians via phone and/or video is available, where permitted, by calling the toll-free number listed on the front of the issued medical ID card or visiting telehealth4students.com.

If you do not have the Student Health Insurance Plan–United Healthcare Student Resources health insurance, you may still use this service, however, charges will apply.

Many other private health insurers also offer a telehealth option at low or no cost as well. If you are covered by private health insurance, contact your health insurer customer services number on the back of your card for additional information.

Student Health Center
Division of Student Life

1800 Volunteer Blvd.
Knoxville, TN 37996-3102
Phone: 865-974-3135