Speak with our Triage Nurse to schedule
865-974-5080, option 7
Mo,Tu,Th,Fr: 8am-4pm
Wed: 9am-4pm
(The Acute Care Clinic schedule fills quickly each day. Therefore, calling early is highly encouraged.)
The Acute Care Clinic is not an Urgent Care/Walk-in Clinic or an Emergency Room. It serves patients with non-urgent, non-emergent health concerns by appointment only.
Appointments in the Acute Care Clinic are scheduled by speaking with a Telephone Triage Nurse.
Patients who present to the Student Health Center with urgent/emergent medical issues without an appointment are referred to a local Urgent Care/Walk-in Clinic or Emergency Room as appropriate to their condition. Transportation from the SHC to other off-campus healthcare facilities, either by Emergency Medical Service (EMS) or a privately owned vehicle, is not a Health Center provided/covered service.
We encourage you, do not delay definitive care of urgent/emergent medical issues by first coming to the Student Health Center. If you have a question about where you should receive care, contact our Telephone Triage Nurse where a nurse is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you with your care.
Use of the Acute Care Clinic
A limited number of Acute Care Clinic evaluation times are available each day. Patients using Telephone Triage and the Acute Care Clinic are seen based on their triaged level of acuteness. If the Acute Care Clinic has no further appointments available for the day you have requested, our staff will assist you in obtaining an alternative day for your appointment or direct you to other available healthcare resources, such as the UT Medical Center Emergency Room (UTER), when clinically indicated.
Immediate health problems like Chest Pain, Difficulty Breathing, Head Injury with symptoms, Headache with Fever and Stiff Neck or Unexplained Rash, Abdominal Pain lasting more than two hours, Persistent Vomiting, Fever >103 F Unrelieved with Oral Hydration and Fever-Reducing Medication, or Severe Pain of Any Kind are of such a potentially serious nature that immediate evaluation through an Emergency Room is the safest approach to your care.
If you sense that you have a pressing medical problem that does not rise to the level of a medical emergency, the Acute Care Clinic may be right for your concern. Acute care problems could include recent acute injuries or minor lacerations, acute illnesses with respiratory symptoms or other symptoms such as nausea or diarrhea, fever with body temperatures less than 103 F, mild to moderate pain related to an illness or injury, etc. Our Telephone Triage Nurses can assess your condition and assist you in scheduling.