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Clinics, Services, & Staff

To keep students on the road to success, our staff can assist you in addressing your healthcare needs and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The UT Student Health Center has many clinics and service offerings listed below. Appointments may be scheduled in a clinical service area by calling the number listed adjacent to each site.

You may also click on an area to learn more about its available services, scheduling options, and contact numbers.

You can learn more about our healthcare providers under the Health Center Clinical Staff heading below.

Primary Clinical Service Areas:

Acute Care Clinic (ACC)                        ((865) 974-5080, option 7)

Primary Care Clinic (PCC)                     ((865) 974-5080, option 7)

Sports Medicine/Physical Therapy (SMC/PT)      ((865) 974-5663)

Telemedicine                                           ((865) 974-5080, option 7)

Women’s Health Clinic (WHC)               ((865) 974-5080, option 2)

Specialty Service Areas:

Allergy/Immunization Clinic (AIC)        ((865) 974-5080, option 2)

Gynecology Clinic                                 ((865) 974-5080, option 2)

Laboratory Services                              ((865) 974-5080, option 7)

Pharmacy                                                               ((865) 974-5932)

Physical Exam Section (PES)               ((865) 974-5080, option 6)

Psychiatry Clinic                                    ((865) 974-5080, option 2)

Radiology Department                           ((865) 974-5080, option 7)

Surgery Clinic                                         ((865) 974-5080, option 7)

Travel Clinic                                            ((865) 974-5080, option 6)

Health Center Clinical Staff:

Meet our Student Health Center healthcare providers.

Student Health Center
Division of Student Life

1800 Volunteer Blvd.
Knoxville, TN 37996-3102
Phone: 865-974-3135