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Private Health Insurance Information & Uploading Private Insurance to Patient Portal

Many students at the university are covered under a private health insurance plan through their employer or through a parent, spouse, or other family member.

Although the Student Health Center does not directly bill a student’s private health insurance for professional services, lab work, immunizations, injections, x-rays, physical therapy, or durable medical goods (i.e. crutches, splints, etc.), it is still necessary for us to have your up-to-date private health insurance information for certain labs or diagnostic testing that may have to be performed off-site, such as a local hospital or diagnostic center, or when referring a student to a sub-specialty provider in the community.

Uploading Your Private Health Insurance Information

Following these steps, all students with private health insurance (those who have not purchased the Student Health Insurance Plan through United HealthCare –  Student Resources) are required to upload a copy of the front and back of their current health insurance card through the online Patient Portal:

  1. Log into the Patient Portal with your UTK netID and password.
  2. Next, click the Upload tab and
  3. Select Copy of Health Insurance Card, then
  4. Upload a scanned copy or clear images of the front and back of your health insurance card (you may upload two separate files to submit front and back of card if necessary).
  5. Should you encounter problems with an upload, please contact medicalrecords@utk.edu.


Student Health Center
Division of Student Life

1800 Volunteer Blvd.
Knoxville, TN 37996-3102
Phone: 865-974-3135