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Gynecology Clinic

In the Gynecology (GYN) Clinic, patients can receive consultation for health concerns related to the female Reproductive system.

Appointments are available by referral only (see below).

Speak with our Triage Nurse to schedule
865-974-5080, option 2

Mo,Tu,Th,Fr: 8am-4pm
Wed: 9am-4pm

The GYN is staffed by a UT Medical Center affiliated, board certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist. One day each week the GYN clinic is available for appointments by referral from other Providers within the Student Health Center. The GYN Clinic staff work closely with the staff of our Women’s Health Clinic to coordinate and effectively meet the healthcare needs of our female student population.

You should first schedule an appointment with a SHC Women’s Health Clinic by calling 865-974-5080. A referral to our GYN Clinic will be provided if deemed medically appropriate.

Student Health Center
Division of Student Life

1800 Volunteer Blvd.
Knoxville, TN 37996-3102
Phone: 865-974-3135