The Women’s Health Clinic staff includes Board Certified Nurse Practitioners and Registered Nurses under the direction of a UT Medical Center affiliated board certified Gynecologist. Together, they serve to meet the gynecologic and reproductive healthcare needs of our student population.
Appointments are made in advance by calling 865-974-5080, option 2.
Speak with our Triage Nurse to schedule
865-974-5080, option 2
Mo,Tu,Th,Fr: 8am-4pm
Wed: 9am-4pm
The following are some examples of services provided at the Women’s Health Clinic: Preventive Health Examinations, Cervical Cancer Screening, Family Planning and Birth Control, Pregnancy Testing, Screening and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections, Evaluation of Vaginal Infections, and Health Counseling.
Office visits and exams are free of charge as covered by the current Semester’s Student Programs and Services Fee.
Charges for commonly ordered labs can be viewed on the SHC Laboratory Services page. Only students with the University Sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan will have their insurance billed directly for lab fees.
Birth control prescriptions are subject to insurance coverage and pharmacy costs. Prescriptions can be filled at any Pharmacy, including the on-site Student Health Center Pharmacy.