Board Certification: Pediatrics
Office Location: UT Student Health Center, Suite E
Nurse: Denise Miller, BSN, RN (865) 974-5662
To schedule an Appointment: Phone Triage Nurse at (865) 974-5080
Dr. Cox is a native of East Tennessee and attended the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, for his undergraduate degree. He obtained his medical degree from the University of Tennessee, College of Medicine in 1994. In 1998, he completed a combined Internal Medicine and Pediatrics residency at the University of Texas, Houston. Before joining the UT Student Health Center staff, Dr. Cox spent 25 years in private practice.
Appointments are scheduled by calling the phone triage nurse at (865) 974-5080. The Sick Clinic serves patients with same-day, non-emergent health care issues. If you have questions or concerns about a recent office visit, you may call Denise Miller, RN, at (865) 974-5080 and leave a message with your name, phone number, student ID number, and question. Lab results will be sent to you by a secure message to your VolMail account, or you may receive a phone call.