After-Hours Care has been arranged for all Student Health Center eligible students through the University of Tennessee Medical Center Emergency Room (UTER). More information regarding eligibility can be found here.
For All Emergencies Dial 911
UT Medical Center Emergency Room
1924 Alcoa Highway
Knoxville, TN 37920
Transportation: Transport to UTER is dependent on a patient’s condition, either by Emergency Medical Service (EMS) or a privately owned vehicle, and is not a Health Center provided/covered service. For Emergencies always dial 911.
Charges: At UTER, Student Health Center eligible students should present their UT ID and personal health insurance card/information for special UT Medical Center after-hours student agreement pricing. Students who choose to consider cost when seeking after-hours care either through UTER, another local ER, or a local Urgent Care Clinic, should be aware that most health insurances will be accepted at any of these facilities. However, charges may vary dependent on your individual health insurance coverage. Typically, insurance deductibles still apply and students may be responsible for out of pocket costs if deductibles for the year have not been met. Patients who have an after-hours health issue arising to the level of an emergency should always be seen through an emergency room.
Post-visit Care: Subsequent to their discharge, students are encouraged to request that a record of their visit to any after-hours care facility be forwarded to the Student Health Center for inclusion in their Student Health Center Medical Record. When needed, students should contact the Student Health Center Appointment Desk at 865-974-5080 for assistance in arranging any post-visit care, follow-up evaluation, and/or consultations that have been recommended by their after-hours care provider.