Confirmed ADHD Diagnosis
To be eligible for ADHD treatment through the SHC Psychiatry Clinic, students must have a confirmed diagnosis of ADHD from an adequate, comprehensive evaluation. This evaluation is not simply a letter or record from a previous healthcare provider who prescribed ADHD pharmacotherapy. The evaluation must include:
- Documentation of appropriate comprehensive psychological assessment/testing with findings consistent with the diagnosis of ADHD (DSM-5-TR F90.0, F90.1, or F90.2) and
- Collateral information about symptoms of ADHD before the age of twelve years to include:
- Psychoeducational evaluations or school-based reports supporting childhood ADHD symptoms or
- Pediatric, primary care, or psychiatric clinical records documentation of prior appropriate childhood ADHD diagnosis and treatment or
- A documented healthcare provider interview of a childhood primary caregiver supporting the prior existence of childhood symptoms of ADHD
Comprehensive Psychological Assessment/Testing
Students who have not had prior psychological assessment/testing for ADHD can contact the UT KLASS Center or the UT Psychological Clinic for further information about on-campus testing options and costs or contact their insurance carrier regarding a local referral for testing resources.
ADHD Treatment through the SHC Psychiatry Clinic
After a review of records, a Psychiatry Clinic provider will determine if a student meets the criteria for diagnosis and treatment of ADHD through the Psychiatry Clinic.
Given the extended duration of students’ stay on campus, the Psychiatry Clinic cannot presently accommodate the cumulative volume of patients with confirmed ADHD who require ongoing pharmacotherapy prescribing, management, and monitoring. Therefore, the clinic shall serve only as a “bridge” provider for incoming students with confirmed ADHD or those confirmed with ADHD while at the university.
As clinic appointment capacity permits, one semester of treatment for those with a confirmed ADHD diagnosis may be offered as a transitional or “bridging” phase. During this phase, the patient must arrange long-term care and management of their ADHD from a healthcare resource external to the SHC for subsequent semesters.
Additional Local Mental Healthcare Resources for Diagnosis and Treatment of ADHD
A list of additional local mental healthcare resources is available here. If additional assistance in navigating local community resources is needed, students may contact 865-974-HELP.
Additional Mental Health Diagnoses
If there are other mental health diagnoses made during an ADHD evaluation that would benefit from medication, the student will be welcomed into the clinic to address those diagnoses. For example, an anxiety diagnosis is of particular importance, as it can “masquerade” as ADHD in many circumstances.